Notsonippy’s Weblog


Just another weblog

London exhibitions



One of the reasons I sometimes really wish I lived in London…

I was down visiting my cousin at the beginning of the month so took the opportunity to visit the Design Museum again. I love this place! And not just for the amazing gift shop and the beautiful building. The featured exhibition was fashion designer Hussein Chalayan (who I admit I had never heard of before going) and I found it really interesting. Some of the fashions were really off the wall but I spent at least an hour just watching the videos of his catwalk shows.



I had been hoping to catch the British Insurance Designer of the Year 2009 again (I saw it last year when I was in London briefly with work), but I missed it by a week. At least they have a photographic record of everything here.

Defining Constructivism

And while I’m at it, the Tate Modern’s has just opened Rodchenko and Popova – Defining Constructivism. I’m really drawn to the constructivist style of graphic design with it’s abstract collages and striking typography. Last year I went to Foto – Modernity in Central Europe 1918 to 1945 at the Dean Gallery in Edinburgh and found it particularly inspiring.

Anyway, I think I’ll need to find an excuse for another trip down there before the end of May.

Filed under: Exhibitions, London, Shopping, , , , , , , ,